Installation Wizard

Welcome to the WebsiteBaker Installation Wizard.

Step 1

 Please check the following requirements are met before continuing...
Please note: PHP Session Support may appear disabled if your browser does not support cookies.
PHP Version >= 5.6.0 8.2.6 PHP Session Support Disabled
Server Default Charset OK PHP Safe Mode Disabled

Step 2

 Please check the following files/folders are writable before continuing...
/config.php Writable
/pages/ Writable /media/ Writable
/templates/ Writable /modules/ Writable
/languages/ Writable /temp/ Writable
/var/log Writable  
Please note:  

WebsiteBaker is released under the GNU General Public License
By clicking install, you are accepting the license.

WebsiteBaker is released under the GNU General Public License